Flight School

3 Conversations

After many crashes smiley - and some lessons from Jonathon Livingstone Seagull and archangel Marjin I have come close to perfecting my flight.

I can't find a picture of an angel

so I'm gonna damned well draw on and

put it in community art.

Personal tutoring

Still having difficulty? Just can't get in a thermal without stalling and going head over heels, pggb up? then request personal tutoring here.

THE FIRST and most IMPORTANT thing

Is fuel! (according to Marjin)

Recommended angel fuel is PGGB, also known as pangalactic gargle blaster. It's been described as being smashed over the head by a lemon wrapped around a gold brick. The best place to aquire some of this is from archangel Kes.

Basic Flight

Basic Flight
courtesy of Archangel Marjin


Step 1. flap left wing. Check.

Step 2. flap right wing. Check.

Step 3. flap them together. Synchronise, Synchronise, Check.

Step 4. All systems go? If not go back to step one.

Step 5. Check that the air space around is clear. Check.

Step 6. Increase flapping speed, increase, increase,

Step 7. Liftoff-frequency should now be reached and ... Flying!!!

If this doesn't work return to step 1.

Basic Landing

Begin by beating wings to push air down and in front of you. This should reduce your speed without making you fall. Repeat until you are stationary or


, then reduce the speed and you should descend gracefully.

Level 2 Flight


Flight goggles may be useful for extreme speeds.

First ensure that you have plenty of space below and around you to practice. "Hover" as discussed in landing (above). In one swift movement tuck up your wings so only the tips extend for stabilisation and steering and tilt them so the top of the wings are leaned forward so you fall head first. Once you have acheived the angle you want you can straighten them again

You will now be diving. Dive as far down as you feel comfortable and then tilt your wings the other way until you have acheived horizontal flight. As you slow you may slowly extend the majority of your wings, making sure you do not do so too fast or you will stall.

Using the Thermals

As we all know by now, thermals are upward moving currents of hot air. These can be very useful for the lazy angel who needs to get high, fast, and can virtually eliminate all that flapping time.

Begin by finding a thermal, there is a very nice one going up from hell that'll drop you right next to the pearly gates. The key to thermals is balance. Have you ever seen a bird of prey mantelling it's victim? It hoods it's wings so there is a curve inside the wing. This position is the ideal one for balancing on a thermal. Swoop toward your chosen thermal and assume this position. On the first time you should ride it to the top, but on later attempts you may unhood your wings and swoop out.

Level 3 Flight

For flight at level three I recommend a lot of fuel. It will provide a painkiller for when you go horrible wrong and have to be scraped up off the floor. smiley -

Loop the Loops

begin by hovering. If you feel nervous, have another couple of pan galactic gargle blasters. Go into a swoop and dive until you've reached an extreme velocity, tilt your wings with the top up and you should start to go upside down, keep your wings tilted until you have acheived the horizontal and come out of it as in swoop.

Barrel Rolls

This move will make you spin around onto your back then front again. It can be repeated for as many PGGB's as you need. Acheive a fast flight, but not a dive, and raise one of your wings and lower the other, you should begin to turn. To come out of it simply straighten both wings.

That concludes the flight lessons

The Holy Arrows

I am currently the captain and only member of the angel display squad, the holy arrows.

Carrying the dust bags from hoovers, and sparkly dust, the holy arrows perform breathtaking PGGB induced stunts in the air for onlookers.

I am in need of a leutenant and an actual squadron.

To join the holy arrows you will need wings, or some other method of flight, a hoover and a vast supply of PGGB, and the ability to write "I want to join the holy arrows" in the conversation provided.

smiley - The Holy Arrows smiley -


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