A Poem in Reply to Paulh's Verses About the Fate of Cindy Caterpillar, Who Was (Sadly) Eaten by a Bird Before She Could Fulfill Her Biological Destiny

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A Poem in Reply to Paulh's Verses About the Fate of Cindy Caterpillar, Who Was (Sadly) Eaten by a Bird Before She Could Fulfill Her Biological Destiny

A caterpillar dreaming of being a butterfly.
When Summer Time had come, Paulh went walking in the park.

He stopped beneath old Amos Oak, his mood was rather dark.

'I walked and walked for hours, and it's really sad,' he said,

'I haven't seen a butterfly! I fear they must be dead.'

'Heh, heh,' Old Amos chuckled. 'That was my accomplishment!'

'I argued with the caterpillars, till the day was spent.

'Then dawn came up and with it the proverbial Early Bird,

And ate up all the caterpillars! I had the last word.'

'And now, go home, enjoy your potted plants,' Old Amos crowed,

'That is, the ones you bought at Walmart, not the ones you sowed.

'For oak trees do not pollinate, and the bugs are dead, you see,

'From the farmers' strong insecticide and my powerful poetry!'
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

17.02.25 Front Page

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