Seeing Stars

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Seeing Stars

Orion from Australia.The Southern Cross.
The Southern Cross

Photos by Wilko.

Looking up at the night sky in Rome, I asked my Aussie friend to send me photos of the Southern Cross when he got home. Amazing they get a different view of the constellations.

Then we proceeded to argue about whether Orion was actually Orion. He was adamant that it wasn't, just didn't look right, and he'd seen it on the other side of the world a week ago. . . I must be mistaken?

Look, mate, I know Orion when I see it, and I'm looking at it right now!

And so the night passed. . . oh no it isn't, oh yes it is. . .

He's sent me the Southern Cross. . . and photos of 'his' Orion.
I never knew it was visible in both hemispheres at once in January, but the Aussies see it the other way up to us!

We'll call it a draw!

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