Outside the Box

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Outside the Box

Jimmy Carter's Funeral.

He breathed his last on Earth

in a bed in his home, as he'd planned.

He left the outworn flesh behind.

A century is long enough

between new suits.

The professionals took it from there

as they'd planned.

They hauled his bones

through town, to the city,

put them on a plane,

took them to the Capitol,

prayed over them,

took them to the Cathedral,

prayed over them,

put them back on the plane,

took them to the church,

prayed some more,

buried them in the garden.

All that hauling made

everybody tired

but him.

He'd planned the services

from songs to Bible verses to

who got to talk. A good time

was had by all except

for some politicians who

had to sit next to people

they didn't like, and

a small-town organist who

found the processional challenging.

He would have been mad at them

for running more than an hour late, but

then he didn't know. He was too busy

getting settled in the

new place.

He had plans there

Dmitri Gheorgheni Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

27.01.25 Front Page

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