Blessing for Sleep (Poem)

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Blessing for Sleep

When sleep falls,

May it be the deep sleep

That comes after a

Journey since dawn through wild places

Home to the little wooden house seen lit

Through a window from afar.

Warmed before the log fire

In the grate

Whisky and chocolate in your veins,

Scented in woodsmoke

Mud heavy boots off,

Socks off,

Toes wriggling in delight before the crackle of wood and

The toasty lick and welcome of red flame

And its golden heart

Short sleepy trudge upstairs

On old oak smooth and

Shiny with generations of step

Down soft bed

Of white clean sheets

The gentle press

Of lovingly patterned quilt

And crunch cool pillows

On your cheek

The steady sound of heavy rain,

That drums

On roof and window

Subsides through the night hours

Into the muffled,

Soft embrace of deep snow

Across the wild.

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Robbie Stamp

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