A Conversation for Too Close to Home

Spookily familiar.

Post 1


Nice tale, seems we have a shared family trait!

Spookily familiar.

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh I suspect so.

Spookily familiar.

Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

At least you didn't bury him while seated on his tractor (or did you?).

My grandfather on fathers side had some peculiarities I can still remember. He was so used to the boiled potato/vegetable/piece of meat kind of meal that he also mashed his fries and poured gravy over them when he was eating at our house.
Once during dinner, he caught a wasp with his fork, swiftly cut it in two with his knife and then went on eating with those as if nothing happened.
Both my grandfathers must have fought in the second world war, but neither told if they had killed someone in the process (or anything at all about the experience really). One of them did kill a neighbour's dog that kept tearing at his trousers. He did warn the owner beforehand and made sure his pocket knife was really sharp. (being an engineer who made all of his own tools from scratch, I suspect that it was really very sharp).
He only haunted my uncle during life, because he was living in with my uncle. The guy never married.

Spookily familiar.

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Somehow those sound like descriptions of people you would be related to. smiley - tongueincheek I mean, judging by your novels...

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