A Conversation for Deep Thought: An Insider-Outsider's View of History

Memory Lane

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

Thank you for this. I appreciate your analysis, as I tried to read some of his books when I was about 16 and also struggled (I met John le Carré at a linguistics event, as my cousin is a linguist who assisted with sections of a couple of his books).

I did read Single and Single when I was about 20, so I was better able to get into it, and found it gripping - masterful "how to handle the reveals and walk the reader through the conflicts. How he builds tension." indeed smiley - ok

Memory Lane

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

How smiley - cool that you met this novelist! I've seen some of his interviews on Youtube, and he must have been an interesting person to talk to.

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