The h2g2 Post 30.09.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 30th September 2024

 This week's title is Wherever We Go, There We Are. Clockwise from upper left: A double rainbow over London row houses, seagulls flying over waves and rocks, a mist-shrouded forest and field, a sign that says Warning Starting Cannon May Fire at Any Time, some ruins from classical antiquity with modern construction equipment in between the columns, a trio of seashells on the sea shore, the Galeon Andalucia, a replica sailing ship, at anchor at Cowes, Isle of Wight, a redshank wading in the shallows, and an old church gate in Austria.

And another week begins. We've been everywhere and seen, oh, so many things.

Bluebottle saw a boat. Not just any boat, mind you: a Spanish galleon. Cue 'Pirates of the Caribbean' music. It's a glorious sight, and its visit to the Isle of Wight was memorable. You'll enjoy his photoessay.

FWR was way on the other side of Europe, looking at mystic ruins. One of them made a nice contrast, what with the construction equipment in the midst of the columns. Wonder what a Roman engineer would have made of that?

Willem and I have been wandering in the past. I reflect on the vagaries of recent history, walls and such, while Willem takes us back to the Jurassic and shows us some curious critters.

Others have been watching the natural world. Tavaron looks up at the clouds and around in her garden. SashaQ catches some water birds being interesting. Paigetheoracle shows us Auldie Burn in an autumnal mood. Superfrenchie was in northern France: she has a treasure trove of things for you to admire.

Fiction-wise, Caiman's hikers are doing remarkable things to the French landscape. Our stories are winding down: Paulh and FWR have finished theirs, and Tavaron has reached a temporary stopping place – you can read them all in the handy archive. My less-than-epic saga of Romans and foolishness reaches its conclusion this week. So if you've been reading along, heave a sigh of relief. If you were waiting for it to be finished before starting – like those Netflix audiences who hang back to make sure the series doesn't get cancelled first – go ahead and start reading.

If you insist on a tangible book, you'll have to wait a few weeks until it goes on the market, hopefully without typos and certainly with less distracting 'art'. But you'll have to pay for that one (proceeds go to h2g2, naturally). There will be other books: we will review them or offer them for sale, and you will be notified. Authors: If you're doing any self-publishing, let us know so that we can promote you.

Speaking of writing, please note the October challenge. We'd like to have more spooky stories from you. Real or imagined, it's all one to us. Help us frighten the populace. Details below.

Read the jokes. Find out what's going on with Bluebottle's loopy characters. Discover new cinema with Awix. Leave friendly comments and tell your friends about us. And have a good week. (Don't forget your umbrellas.)

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
The oldest recorded Baltic charms invoke deities to take away all illnesses and misfortunes and send them to Russia.

Dr Francis Young

An old gravestone and an old tree.

October 2024 Create Challenge:
The Goblins Will Get You

Video Extra:
Unexpected Flight
Click here in Ripley

Jurassic South Africa

Melanosaurus by Willem.



Robyn Hoodie:
The Heat of the Moment

A tent with a homemade wall, by Caiman Raptor Elk.


Auldie Burn, Autumn
Images from Auldie Burn in autumn, by Paigetheoracle.

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