The h2g2 Post 16.09.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 16th September 2024

This week's title is Close to Home. Clockwise from left: A mute swan swimming, a barn roof with plenty of swallows, Banksy's artwork, a London police box turned into an aquarium, clusters of ripening grapes, a red dahlia in glorious bloom, a sign that points to Monkey World one way and the Tank Museum the other, two alligators, one resting on the other, and a bush with many tiny whorled snails on its branches.

And here we are again, fresh from the debacle of last week's issue, in which – if you will recall, and even if you won't – the ignorant Post Editor committed not one, but two faux pas-es in re wildlife. Which – hurrah! – were immediately noticed and corrected by our resident expert, Willem. Thank you, Willem, for keeping me honest. I swear I will cultivate a new wariness about that image search engine. This is why we're here, folks: individually, we are a bundle of misapprehensions about the nature of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Collectively, we are a genius.

Willem is back this week with an oh-so-casual account of how he and his erudite friends just happened down this road, see, and stumbled across some rare plants. . . of course they did. They are cool like that. Enjoy the pictures, and be glad somebody's watching out for our environment.

Other people have been noticing things, too. SashaQ watched some bees. Tavaron found some tiny snails and observed the swallows gathering for migration. I got video of the hummingbird at the Post Office and finally got a picture of a swan.

Bluebottle and Paigetheoracle have 'seen some things', as they say. A Banksy artwork that would make The Doctor blink. A mysterious love note on a stone. A road sign that invites you to admire monkeys or tanks.

We wander around outside – from Auldie Burn to Pennsylvania farm country to an Austrian garden to the back roads of Limpopo, there are wonders to be discovered. We hope you find these glimpses of the planet refreshing and enlightening.

Also: please read our fiction, humour, cinema, and general ranting. Be nice in the comments. Pretend you don't think we're all a bunch of loonies.

Have a good week out there. Enjoy your sunshine, or rain, or occasional malevolent seagulls. And send more Stuff. Kthxbai, The Post Editor.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

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Quote of the Week:
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.

Dorothy L Sayers, Gaudy Night, 1935

Bridge and church in Brookville, PA.

September 2024 Create Challenge:
To Everything There Is a Season

Video Extra:
Disgruntled Cockatiels
Click here in Ripley

Mute Swan

Mute swan swimming by DG.



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AI Image Challenge Accepted

A line drawing by SashaQ.


Auldie Burn
Montage of images from Auldie Burn by Paigetheoracle.

The Post Office

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