The h2g2 Post 09.09.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 9th September 2024

This week's title is Places to Go. Clockwise from upper left: A kestrel in flight, a row of parked cars with legs coming out of open doors, the full moon behind clouds, a colourful group of orange-robed monks and white-robed nuns on a ferry, wild turkeys in a rural cemetery, a bumblebee on a thistle, a flamingo preening, a tank on display, its giant gun reaching into the sky, two alligators lying, one on top of the other, in sunlight.

What has outraged you this week? Was it politics? AI being used in inappropriate ways? The price of snack food? Forget all that, and take some journeys with us. There are places to go, things to see.

Willem invites you on another journey into the past. Visit some crocodiloids. They're cute and they can't hurt you. Neither can those alligators I photographed: they're in a nice park where they have their own little lake.

A lot of the more exotic animals you see here were photographed by me at Living Treasures Wild Animal Park near New Castle, Pennsylvania. It's a family-run place, full of lovely creatures. A dromedary completely ignored me, while some zebu peeked coyly behind the foliage. A good time was had.

Smaller wildlife is also present this week: Tavaron sent us a photo of what she called a 'bumblebeehind'. There's video, too. Paigetheoracle saw evidence of burrowing bees.

Birds? We've got birds. Sasha saw a kestrel! Mrs Hoggett found the wild turkeys paying a visit to the cemetery next to the farm. There are also cockatiels and flamingos. This issue is full of feathered wonders.

Three of our serial novelists have called it quits for the year. (Tavaron is merely on hiatus.) But that doesn't mean we don't have Stuff for you to read. In addition to the two serials still going, Paulh shares an illustrated childhood memory, while Paige offers a poetic tribute to age. Bluebottle comes up with another tank you absolutely need to know about.

There are features, and a quiz, and humour, and all manner of visual surprises – like the one Galaxy Babe spotted in Cleethorpes. Also beautiful moon images.

Please read, leave comments, share with friends, and remember to send more Stuff. Have a wonderful week out there: enjoy the seasonal changes.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
[A]nd once more I am begging you to stop mechanomorphizing human intelligence. It is not AI. It does not "think". It cannot reason. However good it is at creating a simulacrum of AI abilities, it does not have self-determination or consciousness. It's spicy autocomplete.

Mimi on Twitter

Bridge and church in Brookville, PA.

September 2024 Create Challenge:
To Everything There Is a Season

Video Extra:
Click here in Ripley

Colours of Wildlife:
Jurassic South African Crocodoids

Sphenosuchus by Willem.



Pumpkin Time

Paulh with pumpkins.


Turkey Visit
Wild turkeys in the cemetery, by Mrs Hoggett.

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