Picture Quiz: Long Words - Answer
Created | Updated Jun 29, 2024
Picture Quiz: Long Words - Answer

Answer: This word in Greek is longer than any in English or German.
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What's that? You want to know what it means? Oh, okay. It's from a satirical play by Aristophanes called Ecclesiazusae. A bunch of women dress like men, take over the Athenian Assembly, and vastly improve it. At the end of the play there's a big dinner. What do they have? Why, that word up there.
It translates as, 'Oysters-saltfish-skate-sharks'-heads-left-over-vinegar-dressing-laserpitium-leek-with-honey-sauce-thrush-blackbird-pigeon-dove-roast-cock's-brains-wagtail-cushat-hare-stewed-in-new-wine-gristle-of-veal-pullet's-wings.' As Grandpa Jones would have said, 'Yum, yum!' They've, er, said a mouthful. (I'll let myself out.)