The h2g2 Post 10.06.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 10th June 2024

This week's title is Imagination is Funny. Clockwise from upper left: Haddon Hall, a stately home in England, An AI's version of a weeping crabapple, which involved a crying woman with crying crabs in her hair and a fruit necklace, a Rapanui statue in an English garden, two tiny kittens hugging each other and looking at the camera, red poppies in an overgrown field by the beach, a green wall lizard on a rock, an orange-and-white cat in a window,  a yellow rose, and a cloud formation that looks suspiciously like a pussycat.

Imaginations run riot around here. From AI creations to garden shenanigans to wondering what that cloud looks like, our contributors have been taking advantage of one of the perks of summer: idle thoughts. Join them this week and add your own ideas to the group reverie.

Of course, our writers and artists are in there pitching. Bluebottle continues to astonish us with his view of a magical IoW. The ongoing novellas reveal a startling variety of actions. Would you rather be an ancient Roman discovering a genuine artefact in your veggie bed, or a harried politician trying to recapture territory from interdimensional space pirates? Or maybe you'd rather be an obsessed crime writer, a homesick space colonist, or a teenager with musical ambitions? Take your pick – or enjoy them all. Cheap at the price.

Do we have birds? Are people on the ISS weightless? Of course we have birds. Also a frog, a lizard, and other surprising things. Take a look inside and see.

We have cutting-edge memes. Read us and your friends won't be embarrassed by how out-of-touch you are. We cover the news, too: Willem voted in South Africa. He sent pics so you can see the queues.

The usual suspects are doing the usual things. Read, laugh, comment, send more Stuff, folks. And have a glorious week out there.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
One of my favorite bits of science revealing the universality of the human condition is a pair of fossilized footprints in White Sands, NM, that appear to show a toddler walking with an adult, then getting picked up, then put down, then picked up, then put down, on and on.

– Monica Baumann on Twitter

Five odd characters walking across Abbey Road.

Five Characters in Search of an Author
(AI Showdown)

Video Extra:
Lazy Afternoon
Click here in Ripley

Knysna Leaf-Folding Frog

Knysna Leaf-Folding Frog by Willem.



Chapter 20
The Satyr's Pyjamas

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Weeping Crabapple
Weeping Crabapple, the Lady with the Crabs in Her Hair, by CRE.

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