The h2g2 Post 03.06.24

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 3rd June 2024

This week's title is Taking in the View. Clockwise from upper left: An American robin in a tree in front of a store with orange trimmings, a monkey eating fruit on a street in Nepal, a lighthouse and low sun over the Adriatic Sea, an old church facade in Pula, Croatia, a dairy farm whose silo is painted to look like a patterned Holstein cow, sign in front of the Union Inn, Cowes, Isle of Wight, that says Dogs, Goats, Children and Chickens Welcome, an aerial shot of clouds over snowcapped mountains, a swan that looks like it has two heads because it's really two swans standing close together in the water, and a tree trunk with a natural hole in it in Scotland.
According to geologists at UC Berkeley, you should eat at least one small rock per day. Dr Joseph Granger suggests eating a serving of gravel, geodes, or pebbles with each meal, or hiding rocks in foods like ice. . .

AI Overview
Seven reasons why you should read the h2g2 Post instead of AI Google:

  1. We never tell you to eat rocks. Or recommend adding glue to your pizza sauce. Unlike that AI, our first motto is 'Do no harm.' (Our second is 'All the snark that fits in cyberspace.')
  2. Unlike much of the internet, we often touch grass in a literal way. Grass has definitely been touched in the acquisition of our wildlife photos. You can see some really good ones this week. We hope you like birds. There is also a monkey.
  3. Our sarcasm detectors are much better. We know what it is because we use it a lot.
  4. We keep up with the trends, but are not slaves to them. We're perfectly capable of making our own, thank you. Speaking of which, don't miss this week's episode of Bluebottle's thrilling comic about the church fête. You won't believe what's going on. Meanwhile, Nigel's loving the aurora.
  5. We actually go places. Our contributors have been looking up, down, and around. You'll get a bird's-eye view of the planet. Also human's-eye views of birds. Did we mention we like birds?
  6. We tell stories. We make ourselves laugh. We hope we'll make you laugh, too.
  7. We take those AIs on. This month, we'll be inviting everyone to put those AI artbots to work: let them draw the characters. Then you make up the stories! SashaQ is here to show us how it's done.

So: stories, photos, humour. Try the quiz. Let Awix tell you about the latest flick. Go out and find some photos of your own. Write your own tales. And have a good week out there. Touch some grass. Annoy a few AIs. Just don't eat any rocks, please.

Dmitri Gheorgheni

Cover for The Building, DG's new book, available from Lulu.Cover for A Crime Has Been Committed, the latest omnibus book, available from Lulu.
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Quote of the Week:
Every time someone hacks our password, we have to rename our cat.

– Don McMillan on Twitter

Five odd characters walking across Abbey Road.

Five Characters in Search of an Author
(AI Showdown)

Video Extra:
Baa, Baa, Black Sheep
Click here in Ripley

Yellow-Billed Duck

Yellow-billed duck by Willem.



Chapter 19
Morpheus Can Keep It

Lives of the Gheorghenis by DG.


Adriatic lighthouse, by FWR.

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