Peckforton Castle: Another Editor/Photographer Feud

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Peckforton Castle: Another Editor/Photographer Feud

FWR: Peckforton Castle, nice place for afternoon tea.
A Victorian knight.
FWR continues: @d_gheorgheni: Afternoon tea is tea taken in the afternoon, a few finger sandwiches, scones with jam and clotted cream, and assorted pastries, a pot or two of hot tea (coffee in my case). . . just to avoid any trolling of my descriptive abilities.
DG retorts: That's next-level Suzy Q-ing, that is. I know y'all make a fetish out of hot tea and use it as an excuse to pig out on baked goods. (I got half a slice of gf cake yesterday, myself.)

But I had to look up the 'castle' to see which Victorian perpetrated that Disneyified pile.

Peckforton Castle

Editorial Notes. I have to look these things up, so y'all might as well benefit from the research.

Peckforton Castle, as any medievalist (ahem!) can see, is one of those Victorian faux-castles built by people who read too many romance novels. This one was finished in 1850. It's in Cheshire, England (as opposed to Connecticut or any other place on the planet named Cheshire). It is therefore Gothic Revival and would fit my German professor's description of the Cathedral of Learning as a 'pseudogothisches Ungeheuer'.

This particular pile was used as a home for disabled children during the Great War, then unused until 1969. After that, it was used as a film setting until being turned into a hotel in 1988. They host weddings and conferences and other fancy events when FWR isn't around to take tea.

Peckforton Castle.Peckforton Castle.
Peckforton Castle.Peckforton Castle, afternoon tea.
FWR Archive


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