A Conversation for Being Part of the Revolution

Sounds like a fun place to have been.

Post 1

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

I suppose every timeframe to have been a student in will be strange to others if you wait long enough. I studied during the digital revolution in education. (still know what 'fun' things you can do with a command prompt and some basic programming skills).

Sounds like a fun place to have been.

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Yes! In the early 90s I taught at a college where the science people had a whole room full of computers for their students. MY students bought some language software disks.

The science people graciously set aside one of their old computers for us. So we had a one-unit 'language lab'. smiley - laugh German and Latin. They enjoyed messing around with it.

I was still using a word processor in my office and 'publishing' my workbooks using clipart and the department photocopier, a hole punch, a stash of binders I found in the basement, and a lot of elbow grease. The rest of the college faculty got hold of my 'great books' binder and asked permission to copy it (granted).

The next year, the campus bookstore was taken over by Barnes & Noble. The first thing they did was come around and offer to print my workbooks for distribution to the students at cost. Since the cost was low, I said yes. I still have my copies. The digital revolution was kind of fun.

Sounds like a fun place to have been.

Post 3

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

It was especially fun because as students you usually knew more about the computers than the teachers did, so they were easily fooled by my creative little programs. (If you write a program reassigning the keys from the keyboard (shift everything one up the ASCII table), ctrl-break or alt-ctrl-del also didn't have the desired effect)

Sounds like a fun place to have been.

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Aha. Always a good feeling to be one-up with your knowledge.

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