Galaxy Babe's No-Bake Fruit Trifle

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No-Bake Fruit Trifle

Galaxy Babe's no-bake fruit trifle.

My mother was making trifles for special occasions since I can remember. I have carried on the tradition and my trifles are very popular, but they don't have to wait for special occasions. They are a great pudding which will last two adults a few days.

You will need:

  • 4 trifle sponges or 6-8 sponge fingers (depending how thick you prefer the trifle base) or leftover sponge/Madeira-type cake.
  • 3 jelly packs. The British type of jelly, which Americans call jello and only seem to eat in hospital when recuperating. It can be the powdered stuff or the solid cube type, whichever you prefer or due to availability. You'll need at least one red (strawberry, raspberry or blackcurrant) colour jelly but the other two can be any you prefer.
  • Tin or pack of ready made cold custard (400g covers the top layer but isn't generous so go bigger if you love lots of custard) or blancmange if you prefer.
  • 170g tin of evaporated milk.
  • Fruit: go seasonal, use up your cupboard staples or raid your freezer. Strawberries, raspberries, mandarins, blackberries, blackcurrants, anything big think bitesize, slice a banana, chop up mango and pear, and cube peaches. Pineapple and kiwifruit aren't recommended as there's an enzyme in them which prevents jelly from setting. Every day's a schoolday!
  • Large trifle dish.
  • Boiling water to melt the jelly.
  • Cream when serving. This can be whipped, squirty or double. Or ice cream, or both! Alternatively, use dream topping or a lactose-free substitute.
  • Chocolate flake, hundreds and thousands (sugar strands) or other decoration of the recipient's choosing to sprinkle on the serving.
  • Method

    Heron jelly mix at four for a pound.

    Place the trifle sponge or cake in the bottom of the bowl. Make your first (any colour) jelly in a separate jug but only up to half a pint. Stir vigorously until all the jelly crystals or cubes have dissipated. Allow it to cool then pour onto the trifle sponges. Here you can add sliced banana for extra fruit consumption. Chop up the first layer until it's mushy. Place trifle bowl in fridge while you prepare the next layer.

    Prepare your second jelly (any colour), making a full pint. It doesn't have to be all water, if you have used a tin of fruit and that came in fruit juice, top up your jelly to the pint level with that instead. Allow to cool, but not set. Gradually add this layer of jelly to the first layer then pack it with fruit. I usually add strawberries and raspberries to a red jelly or mandarins, peach and pear to a lime, orange or lemon jelly. The trifle dish will be much heavier now so carefully place it back in the fridge to set.

    The third layer is for the red jelly, make it up to half a pint with boiling water, allow it to cool then add the evaporated milk, stirring continuously. Watch with delight as it turns pink. Top it up to the pint level with cold water. Very carefully remove the trifle dish, add the pink layer and return it to the fridge.

    When it is all set, add the cold custard and it's ready to eat. Serve immediately. Ensure you have an audience for the first spooning as it makes a delightfully loud squelching noise! If cream is allowed, lob it onto the served portions then offer sprinkles or bits of chocolate flake as an extra topping. Bon appetit!

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