Coq au vin

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Coq au vin

Coq au vin

Coq au vin (rooster in a white wine sauce).

What You'll Need

  • One big rooster (2 to 3 kg), cut into pieces.
  • One tablespoon vegetable oil and two tablespoons margarine.
  • 800g fresh mushrooms, chopped.
  • One bottle Riesling wine.
  • 20 cl cream.
  • 2 onions and 4 shallots, finely chopped.
  • Salt and pepper.
  • A little flour to thicken the sauce if necessary.

What To Do

  1. Cut up the rooster. You might be able to have that done by your butcher.
  2. Heat up the oil and margarine in a cast iron casserole. Add the meat and let it brown for 5 minutes.

    You might need to do this in several batches: put the pieces in a dish once they're browned, while you deal with the next pieces.
  3. Put all the pieces back into the casserole, add the shallots and onions, and let them melt.
  4. Add the mushrooms, then pour in the wine. Let it simmer for an hour.
    The meat needs to be well done (you can stick a fork all the way through).
  5. Place the meat in a warmed up dish. Reduce the sauce, add the cream and pour that sauce onto the meat.
  6. If the sauce isn't thick enough, you can add a little flour and butter.
  7. Serve very hot, with fresh pasta.
  8. You will absolutely need some good quality bread. The sauce really is that good.
  9. You can heat up the leftovers on the next day (if there are any).
  10. This can be made with other poultry, or another type of wine. The results will be different.

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