St Mary's Church, Tenby (Wales)

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St Mary's Church, Tenby (Wales)

Editor's Note: I had to look this place up, so you might as well hear what I found out. This is an Anglican church. The building is late-medieval. A couple of mayors are buried here (one hid Henry Tudor from Richard III).

There's also a memorial to Richard Recorde, an aptly-named Welsh scholar. He introduced the equals sign (=).

The church has two parishes: Mary In Liberty and Mary Out Liberty. If you want to know what that's all about, I suggest you ask Galaxy Babe. She's a retired verger and I'm a clueless Baptist.

Elaborately carved memorial on which a First Aid kit is resting.
Medieval memorial between a steam heat register and a fire extinguisher.Very elaborate Elizabethan memorial, shaped like a fireplace with a man kneeling in front of it.
Really elaborate multicoloured memorial with a man kneeling in prayer, a woman lying on her side (not very realistically), and a bunch of tiny men and ladies beneath all arranged in prayer.A carved door. People back then seem to have been about normal size.
A woman looking at a very large, elaborately carved font. One of two in the church.Odds and ends: a candelabrum, a fair-sized bell resting on a carved wooden base, and a potted plant which is probably NOT from the Renaissance.

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