Immorternity - Chapter 34: You Wish...

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Chapter 34: You Wish...

Evil smile.

The huge Carbogenie (who resembled the pop singer Robbie Williams that Mom adored for some reason) sent an evil smile as the heat hit Ava like a brick wall. It didn't exactly hurt, but it was far from comfortable. Closing her eyes, Ava focused on cold thoughts. Ice bears swimming, Dad's frozen hand in her neck after a snowball fight… This seemed to help. She carefully opened her eyes to see a blue haze around her, while the genie was definitely suffering from the heat. She gave it a cold stare. The startled genie seemed to visibly shrink as it started shivering all over, icicles forming around its fingers and moustache. It was even more startled when it was knocked out by two dessert spoons that dropped out of thin air, right between the eyes.

Ava looked around, experimenting with cold staring until she had created a wide circle of blue ice around her. She then retrieved the two dessert spoons, which looked strangely familiar.

'Right… About those wishes…' she said as she towered over the stricken genie.

'What wishes?' it answered in a tiny voice that had moved from full baritone to the higher rodent registers.

'The three that you genies are known for. Not the kind where you tend to twist the request in ways that mean that the result complies, without actually being helpful or even being downright dangerous, thank you very much.'

'I wouldn't dare!'

'I dare you to try anything on me! I am armed with these dessert spoons!'

Ava wielded the spoons the way she had copied from Nasir Malik Kemal Inal Ibrahim Shams ad-Dualla Wattab ibn Mahmud the Saracen in an old Robin Hood television series that she had borrowed from her father's collection of ancient stuff. Learning that name had taken rather more effort than the actual two-sword routine. To her surprise, the spoons left blue traces lingering in the air. Moving aside for some clear air, Ava started writing 'AVA WAS HERE!' in large friendly letters while the frozen ground started unfreezing slowly.

A humming, whistling and tapping sound drew her attention back to the genie, who was looking around as bored as someone could look while still trying to dislodge icicles from their moustache.

'Right! Where were we?' Ava enquired.

'You were daring me and I was prepared to start grovelling, but you got distracted.'

'Oh, you are right. Please get ready to grovel once more.'

'I'm sorry. I think you lost some momentum just there. Please allow me a moment to regrovel.' the genie said as he crouched on the ground and dug his feet into the red dust.

'OK, I'm ready!'

At that moment the ground started to shake violently.

Ava could jump aside just in time to avoid being hit by the oncoming freight train.

'Sorry about that. Rogue wish. This happens sometimes when I get emotionally unstable. It's so embarrassing!' the genie pleaded after the train had passed, the tracks had evaporated and the unfrozen dust had settled once again.

'Should I have jumped on to get back home?' Ava asked, still a bit shaken.

'Probably not. Never know where they come from and where they're heading.'

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