Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 27

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Balance of Probabilities: Chapter 27

Scales of justice and DNA.

Renée sat in his office staring at the artwork on his walls as the machine counted and wrapped the cash.

Glancing down only when another twenty thousand had been prepared, taking each wrap, adding to the growing stack.

Neat piles among the dirty chaotic jumble of data screens and medical devices on the worktop. Surreal perfection, perfect sharp edges jarring against the clutter. Renée paused to appreciate the sight.

Then, as always, he was drawn back to the fantastical worlds of his beloved art.

Losing himself in the surreal, only thinking of reality as a way of financing his next piece.

And what a piece! A first edition print of 'Galatea of the Spheres' had been offered for sale.

Expensive at 200,000 Cr, but worth every penny.

Renée had been forced to call in more of his clients, requesting further recompense for his expertise.

Most had gladly paid for his continued services. A few sad individuals had pleaded poverty, begging him to reconsider.

Renée realized that these Citizens were of no further use, could offer him no chances of obtaining further beauty, and were of no further concern to him.

He'd deleted his masterful coding and alerted the Agency to these anomalies, moving on to the next client, unconcerned at the outcomes.

Another beep from the machine, the glorious stack was complete!

He'd tapped at his coms, confirming his purchase, then sat back, allowing his broken mind to dive deep into a world far more beautiful and intriguing than this, a world of sublime chaos and irony.

Renée was vaguely aware of a brief stinging sensation at the back of his neck, he felt dizzy, ever so tired, then his world went black.

Emma's coms buzzed, on the screen, looking rather nervous, was the young Tech, Alan.

'Agent Grant, erm, so sorry to trouble you but….'

'I'm off the clock, Alan, and kind of in the middle of something!'

'As I said, I'm so sorry, but erm I don't quite know how to say this….can you please come into the office, it’s about that anomaly, I don't want to say , erm, over coms, but it's quite urgent, actually, it's very urgent. I don't know who else to turn to for advice. Please, Emma, come in?'

Grant was shocked that he'd used her first name, this must be something out of the ordinary, indeed.

She reluctantly decided Renée would have to wait, punched in HQ, and wondered what the hell was so important.

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