Loaves and Golden Horses

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Sam's a baker now.

He always wrote amazing songs, to heal his mind and right his wrongs.

One day, he jumped on the carousel of fame. 'A wild and holy game!' he said. He spun around for several years, until he fell off a golden horse, and fractured his life in several places.

He still sees spinning lights. 'My mind is a cinnamon swirl today' he'll say.

Now he writes as he bakes, and adds the soul of the song to his loaves and his cakes.

There's always a queue at the bakery.


Little Known Fact: A lady once said that she'd heard a song coming out of a slice of Sam's fruit cake. No one accused her of being as nutty as a fruitcake, which was odd.

Sam recorded a song a few weeks later. 'I've heard the bootleg already', said the lady

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