Anhinga Nest Update

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Anhinga Nest Update

Anghina nestAnghina nest

The nest was finished on June 21st. The white-headed female lays up to six eggs, two days apart. The eggs hatch after about two weeks so the oldest chick could be nearly three weeks old.

The oldest chick is expected to fly in three weeks.

Today the black-headed male demonstrated how to dry off after fishing for the chick's breakfast. First, he dries in the sun for a while and then takes a five-minute flight to finish the drying process.

After he returns to the nest the female observes him feed the chicks for a while and flies off for her own fishing trip. She dives up to 60 feet and spears small fish with her sharp beak.

The birds share nest-building, 24-hour incubation duty, and feeding and guarding the chicks.

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