A Conversation for Caption Challenge: What Fresh Madness Is This?
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Started conversation Jul 29, 2020
'Disaster Area survival school.'
'After the flood.'
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Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jul 29, 2020
'Vogons ate my river.' (from the Vogon Civil Service)
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h2g2 Guide Editors Posted Aug 27, 2020
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" I *knew* we shouldn't have taken that left turn in Albuquerque "
"Me i can never get the hang of Thursdays"
"It was wet and needed to be hung out to dry."
"Ist thou sure thou hast drivven one of theyse thyngges beforre?"
"Obviously, there’s someone flying around who missed the whole damn river."
"They do say that the Severn Bore can catch out the unwary kayaker"
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