A Conversation for Fantasy Caption Challenge: 6

Hymn to Zuleika, the Pollen Fairy

Post 1

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Zuleika, the pollen fairy,
Her step is light and airy,
She flits among the charming flowers.

Appreciative of every bloom,
She gathers, dawn to evening gloom,
Pausing for intermittent showers.

Oh, blest Zuleika! Come and garner
In my garden! Sweep each corner,
Free the blossoms of their burden, please!

Then can I on tissues save,
And again the welkin brave,
Feast my eyes on beauty, without sneeze!

Hymn to Zuleika, the Pollen Fairy

Post 2


Heh heh when I saw you had written a poem I was sure it would involve your allergies! By the way I hope the season isn't too bad for you over there … hope Zuleika makes it to your place.

Hymn to Zuleika, the Pollen Fairy

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - laugh Thanks! Right now, we are being visited by the lawn mower brownie...he's not exactly a fairy, but he will magically make the lawn conform to the borough's specifications, so that nobody gets a ticket for untidiness... smiley - winkeye He also knows not to cut the part of the backyard that is sacred to bumblebees, so that the purple flowers will grow, and we will have bumblebees and bumblebee videos.

In the meantime, I have antihistamines. smiley - winkeye

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