Teachable Moments Report from last weekend's h2g2 20th Anniversary Meet: everybody had a good time. Consumables were consumed, meetings of the mind took place. There was laughter, and a quiz, and prizes. People met who hadn't met before, and discovered they liked each other even more face-to-face than they had online. Nobody got thrown out of the pub, not even 2legs, and everybody got home all right eventually. That's what we like to hear.
I also hear from the Core Team members who were there that there were two myths that could be dispelled by the Meet: one, that h2g2.com has any paid staff. Nope. We're all volunteers, and nobody has been paid a kopek for this work. That in itself is rather a rarity in the world, let alone in a twenty-year-old website. Two, that the site is 'dying'. Nope-nope. There's life in the old girl yet, as Mehitabel the cat would say. I had so much content hurled over the virtual transom that half of it had to be held over until next week. So if you don't see your photo, challenge, or story this time, wait seven days. We'll give everybody a chance to read and comment on this lot first.
Events like the Meet provide what educators are wont to call 'teachable moments': opportunities in RL to stop and ask a good question – hopefully to receive an equally good answer. We have beaucoups teachable moments in this week's issue, so I'll point them out here.

- This week's caption challenge. It will teach you to look. Of course, bobstafford and Cactuscafé do that every week with their photography. They're back with pictures that make us think.
- Suzie Q Ferguson may be the World's Most Terrible Tour Guide™, but she's also a patented provider of teachable moments. This week, Cactuscafé dons the Tour Guide Hat to show us how to appreciate Pevensey Castle.
- Benjaminpmoore: our teacher when it comes to carers. He's back this week with a teachable moment of his own. If you're on Twitter, do follow Ben. He always has something good to say.
- Our cartoonists are instructive: from the hellish journeys of Desideria the Demoness and SashaQ's coworkers to the stop-and-think one-liners of Paigetheoracle to whatever it is those mice are up to in space, there's food for thought on the page, and it ain't junk food.
- Amy Pawloski is back with more reflections from Researchers on the difference h2g2 has made in their lives. What? A website made a difference? Who would have thought it?
- Does today's cinema contain teachable moments? Let Awix explain his view of what's onscreen this week.
You get the idea. You may find yourself pausing for thought fairly often as you browse through these pages. If you have comments or questions, please make use of the doodle space provided. Remember to snap pics or jot down notes as you go about your business, wherever you happen to be, and think of us when it comes to sharing. Remember this month's Create challenge! And have a good week!
Quote of the Week: You have to be quite stupid to think that soy milk comes from cows. Probably the tofu cow. Tavaron
Dmitri Gheorgheni