A Conversation for Picture Quiz - Comparative Hazard: Answer

Not if they are house cats

Post 1


If you have cats in a town it is best to keep them as house cats.
Having kept cats for many years we found there are several truths about this and how to keep them happy.
So we decided to keep them as house cats.

They have farless stress and live stress free lives, they are healthier and happier and live longer, and kept together the develop strong friendships with each other and form a family. Simply they are happy and they do not miss the outdoors. It is best that house cats are kept in pairs they do need a companion.

Do consider house cats they love the life. smiley - cat

Not if they are house cats

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

'If you have cats in a town it is best to keep them as house cats.'

Truer words were never spoken.

I can absolutely agree with this, Bob. smiley - hug Our cats are housecats, and they lead happy lives.

Limiting the outdoor cat population to the countryside, where they perform a desirable function, also means that what they catch and eat doesn't disturb the ecological balance. smiley - smiley

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