February 2019 Create Challenge: Your Personal Groundhog Day
Created | Updated Jan 27, 2019
February 2019 Create Challenge: Your Personal Groundhog Day

Well, what if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.
Phil Connors in Groundhog Day
Groundhog Day was a groundbreaking movie that taught the world the meaning of the term 'temporal causality loop' and put Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania on the map. It probably made little kids want to grow up to be philosophers or physicists, but not weathercasters.
Groundhog Day isn't really about Phil seeing his shadow, and blabbing the news to German Americans in top hats on Gobbler's Knob. It's about the sense of futility we feel when life appears to be stuck in a rut. It's also about the need for do-overs: our secret wish that we could have a chance to repair the damage done by time and our own poor choices.
If you could have a personal Groundhog Day, when and where would it be? What would you do differently? How would you change things, for yourself or for others? Pretend you've got a time machine and a second chance. Tell us about it.
If you're not into idle speculation like that, go us one better and write a Guide Entry about the nature of time, or a philosophical puzzle, or historical contingency moments. Or even about weathercasters. We're not picky. It's cold outside and you have nothing better to do. Just work quickly, lest you wake up and hear that song again.