A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Broad-Spectrum Writing
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SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Dec 24, 2018
"That's fine: write what you know, and what you're passionate about. Sometimes – let's face it, often – you become frustrated around here because not everybody's interested in what you're writing about. Think about it: maybe the subject you choose to write about isn't the one they're most interested in. But also think: if I wrote about this subject, but went deeper, it might speak to more people. That's what I mean by broadening the spectrum."
Very thought provoking, and applicable to factual writing too, that there are ways and ways of writing about things, and taking a different perspective changes the flavour of what is written...
As a reader it pleases me to read different perspectives on subjects I don't know much about because they are not in my field of interest. As a writer my tactic tends to be, "If I keep it brief, at least people will not be too annoyed by me interrupting their day with information that they are not interested in" but I have branched out a bit this year - I am quite pleased with my Gender Police Entry A87907710 that it isn't just another biography, and it isn't just a vague discussion of current affairs, but blends the two together to make a more relatable piece. I shall use the information in this Entry to strive for similar flavours in future
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