A Conversation for SashaQ's NaJoPoMo 2018 - Watch the Birdy

SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

I have made a very rough start on an Entry about Common Buzzards just now A87923451 and plan to mention birds in the same family as well as other birds called Buzzards and more details about Buteo buteo specifically.

SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 2


Do you have any photos you were planning to go with this entry?
smiley - whistlesmiley - musicalnoteOn 17th of August BobStafford sent to me
smiley - whistlesmiley - musicalnoteA common buzzard in a fir tree. smiley - xmastree

We don't have any entries about buzzards so it has been hanging around. But I assume you've taken plenty.


SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - laughsmiley - ok

Yes I do have a couple of good Buzzard photos that I had in mind to use for this Entry. bob's photo sounds intriguing, though - is it related to this one? A87910527

SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 4


That's the one! I didn't realise he'd sent it to The Post too.


SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 5

SashaQ - happysad

Aha! smiley - ok Interesting that it has much browner plumage than the ones I've seen up north A87913308 - I shall investigate that for my Entry smiley - ok

SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 6


My uncle used to keep buzzards in his garden so I've held buzzards before.


SQ NaJo 2018 21: Buzzards Revisited

Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

Oh wow! smiley - wow

I think bob's buzzard is a younger one than the one in my parents' garden, so that makes sense smiley - ok

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