A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: It's a Softened Life


Post 1

SashaQ - happysad

"Five days spent on the road listening to the collected greatest hits would have got very wearing with many other artists, I suspect, but it just served to remind me that Queen are possessors of a tremendous back catalogue of endlessly listenable hits"

smiley - ok

Thanks for this review - I have seen the trailers for the film, but I'm not a fan of biopics in general, so I think I won't be going to the cinema to see this.

"Would Freddie Mercury really have been on board with a movie that appears to suggest that his gayness was the defining tragedy of his life?"

That is a Hollywood-esque theme indeed, and a very good question...

"Bohemian Rhapsody‘s lack of concern with the details may not be very characteristic of the musicians it depicts, but its determination to give the audience a terrific, memorable time is absolutely in the spirit of Queen."

smiley - ok

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