A Conversation for The Lost Duchess, Part I
A rummy go!
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Aug 2, 2018
A rummy go indeed - thanks for sharing this with us! Amusing and creepy are the words
I can imagine there are several pronunciations of brougham out there... I would say something like 'brorm'...
A rummy go!
SashaQ - happysad Posted Aug 2, 2018
What were the other pronunciations you encountered?
I don't always have the 'correct' pronunciations of things but I do find pronunciation fascinating, especially of 'posh' words - I like the TV programme Keeping Up Appearances with Hyacinth Bucket (Bouquet) but my favourite is Farquarson-Hough (Fanshaw)
A rummy go!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Aug 2, 2018
Nobody I knew could pronounce it, though we did speculate on on 'bro-ham' or 'broom'. I couldn't find it anywhere. I knew that there was a Lord Brougham, who I think is connected to the carriage type, and I wondered if his name were pronounced anything like 'Broome'.
Aha! Wikipedia says it's pronounced 'broom' or 'brohm', which sounds like either one is right, but then that's Wikipedia....
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A rummy go!
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