A Conversation for Join the Q: At the Zoo

Cool stuff

Post 1


Hey I liked this and would appreciate more zoo or wildlife photos! Do you know what all those other bird species are?

Cool stuff

Post 2


I assume so, or they won't make the list. But excellent photos. smiley - smiley


Cool stuff

Post 3

SashaQ - happysad

Thanks both!

I went to the zoo before I started the #my200birdyear challenge, so these ones didn't count for the list!

However, I did take a note of what they were for my personal interest - the Bali Starling is first, then a Mindanao Bleeding Heart Dove. There is a Sunbittern and the ones on the feeding dish are Java Sparrows smiley - biggrin

This year I'm aiming to improve my wildlife photography skills, so I'll keep writing for The Post smiley - ok Always a pleasure to see your Post Entries, too smiley - biggrin

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