A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Beyond Opinion
SashaQ - happysad Started conversation Jan 8, 2018
"So please stop judging people when you're tired and cross. What was really meant was, 'That's a nuanced question."
Well said indeed... This was a timely Entry, although it has taken me a while to formulate my thoughts about it, as New Year was the time when I struggled around people who had overindulged somewhat () and so had reduced ability to appreciate the nuances in the situations they were judging...
"They have problems you aren't obliged to tackle."
Yes indeed... Quite a lot of what I heard in the heat of the moment replayed itself in my head for several days, but I counteracted that with thoughts of what I have achieved eg in h2g2 - wouldn't necessarily be those other people's idea of fun, but I know they do what they enjoy and/or find challenging and so I do what I enjoy and/or find challenging too
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Jan 8, 2018
Absolutely. Variety is, indeed, the spice of life.
The other day, I ran across a therapist on Youtube who was trying to help people who deal with narcissistic relatives. I liked what she told them to say, 'Your emotional well-being is not my responsibility.'
I think we can give ourselves permission to tackle the complexities in our own way - and we've got a good forum to do it in.
SashaQ - happysad Posted Jan 10, 2018
"I liked what she told them to say, 'Your emotional well-being is not my responsibility.'"
Yes - that is good, and works both ways... Quite often people think my emotional wellbeing is their responsibility, but I need to keep reminding myself they don't have the power to tell me how I should feel...
"I think we can give ourselves permission to tackle the complexities in our own way - and we've got a good forum to do it in."
Yes indeed The content in h2g2 is a valuable resource.
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