A Conversation for 'LazyTown' - the Television Series

Peer Review: A87901545 - 'LazyTown' - the Television Series

Post 1


Entry: 'LazyTown' - the Television Series - A87901545
Author: Bluebottle - U43530

A Flea Market Rescue of A13996434 Lazy Town
By Ix_Prefect (U1549493)
Rescued by Magwitch - (U780990) with a tweak and nudge by Bluebottle

Although my kids have pretty much outgrown this television series now.


A87901545 - 'LazyTown' - the Television Series

Post 2

SashaQ - happysad

Nicely rescued - I like the amusing asides eg about Iceland and Pink!

" Inversely, if Sportacus ever consumes sugar," - I think that should be "conversely". Do they specify that it is processed sugar? (I am weirdly amused by how fruit is the cure for that rather than a nice bitter vegetable like broccoli...)

Ah - I haven't seen LazyTown, but if I recall correctly I did see one of the Extras, with wheelchair sport, so I enjoyed that smiley - ok

A87901545 - 'LazyTown' - the Television Series

Post 3


Good point there, I've made some minor changes.


A87901545 - 'LazyTown' - the Television Series

Post 4

SashaQ - happysad

smiley - ok

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Post 6


smiley - applauseWell done Ix Prefect and Magwitch!


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Post 7

SashaQ - happysad

Congratulations everyone! smiley - bubbly

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