A Conversation for MVP's NaJoPoMo - A is for Avocado
C is for Cycling
minorvogonpoet Started conversation Nov 3, 2017
I've been cycling for about 58 years. Oddly, I have a vague memory of one of my first attempts. I wandered along the road, failed to stop in time, hit a low wall and landed in a rose bush! Nevertheless, I carried on. I used to cycle to school, a distance of about 2 miles.
Now, I still cycle round the Sussex countryside and we have bikes in our French house, so we can cycle there too. My husband and I usually do our shopping on our bikes - it's surprising how much one can jam into four panniers.
In theory cycling has advantages for short trips - it's cheap, it doesn't cause pollution, and it's good for your health. However, the traffic is getting so heavy it is no longer any kind of pleasure. I have a feeling that, as the roads are more congested, drivers become more impatient. I've lost count of the number of times I've nearly been knocked off my bike by a driver turning left in front of me at a junction.
C is for Cycling
Bluebottle Posted Nov 3, 2017
I'm really sorry to hear that.
This week I've lost count of the number of people who don't seem to know how to drive in the dark, especially around cyclists.
C is for Cycling
SashaQ - happysad Posted Nov 3, 2017
That is a shame about the traffic.
I'm pleased to see that cycleway improvements are being made to the road near the famous Eureka Cafe http://www.eurekacyclistscafe.co.uk/history-of-eureka-cyclists-cafe/ as the area has changed a lot since 1929 and cycling hasn't always been at the forefront of developments even though the cafe has gone from strength to strength...
C is for Cycling
cactuscafe Posted Nov 20, 2017
Yes, we shop by bike also! Have been doing it for about thirty years. Quite mad really, but we love it, cabbages and bananas sticking out of our bike bags.
The bike lanes in Exeter are good, don't have much road cycling between us and city centre.
Still have to watch out though.
We lost a cyclist friend in London a few years ago, truck passed her too close.
I couldn't do road cycling these days.
Can't believe in the 70s I cycled to work from the suburbs to the centre of London, all round the Hyde Park roundabout. I once cycled all night on the main road from London to Suffolk. What??? I don't remember much traffic at all. Probably because I was young and wild.
C is for Cycling
minorvogonpoet Posted Nov 20, 2017
I can just about imagine myself producing and
for cyclists and walkers in a Sussex village somewhere...
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C is for Cycling
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