A Conversation for 24 Lies a Second: Grave Reservation
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George Started conversation Sep 19, 2017
I don't go to movies very often, but in the last 2 years have become resolute in sampling murder mysteries in an inherited library. So when a friend really wanted to go to a movie, one of the 3 I put out there was Wind River. It won out. I knew nothing about any of the performers, nor anything beyond that here in Austin, TX, at least, it was put forward as murder mystery.
I fully agree with you about "not much of a mystery". That is not what this movie is about. I couldn't make use of your filling in context about the actors themselves.
I don't have a name to attach to the well known fact that if something oblique gains your attention, then for sometime to come it will appear in many guises in normal places you haunt.
Seeing this movie is a variation of what, it seems, I *must* experience, like it or not.
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