Post Quiz: Times A-Changing - Answers

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The more things change. . .

Times A-Changing: Answers

Events can make drastic changes in the way we live. I mean, one day you're happily counting your shillings and pence, and the next day, somebody's confusing you with decimals. Don't complain. Think how mad the Roman merchants were when they had to deal with phrasebooks that said 'Mein ufarwataskip ist ele full'.


  1. British currency becomes decimal.
  2. The US adopts time zones.
  3. French citizens storm the Bastille.
  4. Rome is sacked by Visigoths.
  5. Constantinople is looted by Crusaders.
  6. Damascus is built.
  7. Chinese Empire is founded by Qin Shi Huang.
  8. Egypt occupies Nubia.
  9. Maori arrive in New Zealand.
  10. Iceland adopts Christianity.
  1. 1971
  2. 1883
  3. 1789
  4. 410
  5. 1204
  6. 8,000-10,000 BCE
  7. 221 BCE
  8. 1450 BCE
  9. 1250
  10. 1000

Now, you know you hate change. Just think: what annoying event is just around the corner? Share this quiz with your friends, and contribute to global anxiety today.

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