Create January: Stop the World, We Wanna Get Off
Created | Updated Jan 1, 2017
Create January: Stop the World, We Wanna Get Off

It's January. Another year, another 365 days of work and worry. But don't fret: we aren't going to ask you to make plans or resolutions. No, indeed. We're going to invite you to tell us about the time the world stood still for you.
Was there a time when all the rush and busy-ness had to stop? What caused it? Was it. . .
- . . .a power outage?
- . . . a world-changing event?
- . . . a sudden impulse to take an unplanned holiday?
- . . . a life-altering insight on your part?
When it happened, what did you do? Was the resulting time-out a weenie roast1 or a spiritual journey? Share your stories with us. Or illustrate the experience with a photo or image.
And who knows? Maybe this challenge will inspire you to take January a bit slower and dust off some of the stress. And your tales may inspire the rest of us to do the same.
Got the urge to write a Guide Entry? How about tackling some of those historical figures who stopped or changed the world for the rest of us? Hint: Saint Francis doesn't have a Guide Entry yet. Neither does Pope Francis.)