The Post Quiz - Strange Ideas Around the World: Answers

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And you thought 2legs had weird ideas. . .

Strange Ideas Around the World: Answers

This quiz will make you think. We wish more people did.

Here are the answers.

  1. In what way are Roman Catholicism and the Ryukyuan religion of Japan polar opposites?

    Roman Catholics ordain only men as priests. Ryukyuans only ordain women1.
  2. Which gender does most of the farming in Kenya?

    Women, at least 80%.
  3. What does a Fijian bachelor have to give his future father-in-law to secure the right to marry his daughter?

    A whale's tooth.
  4. You visit someone in Moscow, bringing red carnations as a gift. They are offended. Why?

    It's a cemetery flower. Similarly, Romanians will put white lilies on the dinner table, but reserve chrysanthemums for funerals.
  5. Everybody who knows Venezuelans expects them to be late for every appointment. But why?

    In Venezuela, it's rude to show up on time. (Somebody finally made it a Rule.)
  6. In Hungary, clinking beer glasses together in a toast is bad form. Whose fault is this?

    Austria's, of course. They used beer glass clinking to celebrate a military victory over Hungary, and many Hungarians have sworn off the custom ever since.
  7. Why shouldn't you sign your name in red in Korea?
    They might think you're dead. Which would raise a number of uncomfortable possibilities. . .
  8. What non-mainstream geographical theory was given a revival in 2004 and has since taken over your Youtube?

    The Flat Earth theory. If you don't believe us, go look it up. Flat Earthers have denominational differences, many of them involving Antarctica. The Guardian thinks Flat Earthers have a lot in common with a religion.
  9. What form of popular culture did Russia propose to ban in 2008, on the grounds that it was a threat to 'national stability'?

    Emo culture. Russians are depressed enough.
  10. What science fiction premise so offends the Chinese government that they regularly censor all entertainment containing the plot device?

    Time Travel. According to China's State Administration for Radio, Film, & Television, the concept of time travel 'promotes feudalism, superstition, fatalism, and reincarnation.'

Are you feeling more cosmopolitan now?

A woman lost in Hong Kong.
Post Quiz and Oddities Archive

Dmitri Gheorgheni

21.11.16 Front Page

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1If you said, 'Unlike Ryukyuans, Catholics don't have a god of the toilet,' you would be forgetting St Fiacre, patron saint of loos.

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