The h2g2 Post 21.11.16

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A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 21st November 2016

Saying Hello, Goodbye, and 'Oh, Wow!'

Only one of FWR's witty responses to a challenge. Some people cannot pass up a challenge. Last week, this lazy Editor put a photo prompt in the writing column. Freewayriding not only sent this in (the next day), but added two more witty montages. You can find the result in this week's issue.

What are we saying hello to? The wonders of the Leolo Mountains in South Africa, for one thing. Willem, h2g2's answer to Indiana Jones, took a research trip there (on tribal land, no less) and has shared some of the botanical bounty he found. Tavaron discovered beauty in her garden again, and we greet that with our accustomed awe. Nigel and the aliens were awestruck at the lunar transit, but they're easily impressed by heavenly bodies. Oh, and we have to say hi to another South African kitty, and make snarky comments about the pose.

I want credit: I didn't find or photograph all those wonderful things. But I did load 27 pictures this week. This may be close to a record, and indicates how profusely illustrated the h2g2 Post is. Rejoice while I soak my typing fingers in Epsom Salts.

Goodbye is hard to say, and we are mourning the passing of one of the legendary poets of our era. Cactuscafe and I have composed tributes to Leonard Cohen. You might want to leave a note of appreciation, not for us, but for the inspirational lyrics of this influential Canadian.

What's wowing us? The Leolo Mountains. That huge cat. (I know large cats, and that's impressive.) Awix's latest film review, which sounds like a must-see film. The challenges of answering two quizzes this week. One is about customs, the other is about words, and if you know all that you should apply for a cabinet position in a country that appreciates intelligence, which leaves out several of our respective governments. Finland, maybe.

We've got snark aplenty. Bluebottle: somewhere in these pages is a security threat aimed at the Isle of Wight. Find it and notify your local constabulary. As a NaJoPoMo bonus, we link you to Recumbentman's journal. We've found it so educational, we think everyone should read and enjoy it. More NaJo next week, including what may be the world's only science fiction story featuring squirrels in a major role. As Paulh says, 'This won't be the Neiman Marcus of stories. More like the WalMart or Dollar Store1.' Also remember, you probably still owe the world your 'Where Did the Thyme Go?' story. Prove you can Proust it up with the rest of these poseurs.

Whatever you do, stay warm: the nights are getting colder. If you have Thanksgiving in your sector of the space/time continuum, celebrate happily and remember that eating three pieces of pie at a sitting is just gluttony. The rest of you, enjoy the week!

Dmitri Gheorgheni

  • Leolo campsite  by Willem.
  • Maya the cat.



  • Tribute to Leonard Cohen
  • A tribute to Leonard Cohen


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1I threatened to quote him, and I usually follow through.

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