A Conversation for The Unspeakable in Pursuit
You Eat Squirrels?!?!?
Bluebottle Started conversation Nov 14, 2016
How can you eat squirrels? Red Squirrels are protected under Schedules 5 & 6 of the 1981 Countryside Act:
'It is an offence to intentionally kill or injure a red squirrel or intentionally or recklessly damage or destroy any structure or place a red squirrel uses for shelter or protection, or disturb a red squirrel while it occupies such a place.'
You Eat Squirrels?!?!?
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Nov 14, 2016
In Pennsylvania, they will basically hunt anything. The lack of an open season on Republicans is, however, a serious omission.
I would never harm a squirrel. I feed them and talk babytalk to them and make big pets of them like I do everything else (except skunks). But during the Great Depression, my dad's generation was forced to hunt them for sustenance.
One fall, my dad was talked into a day's hunting by some friends, although after World War II, he really didn't want to pick up a rifle ever again. He brought home three squirrels.
My baby sister cried about the dead furry things. My mom fussed about the smell and work involved in cleaning them. I complained, loudly, about how bad they tasted when cooked, and how much better chicken was.
He never did it again.
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You Eat Squirrels?!?!?
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