The Purple Wedding

2 Conversations

It was the event of the century. (We're not sure which one, or in which universe, but hey, it was a Really Big Deal. And for once, we don't blame 2legs.

The Purple Wedding

 The Happy Couple at the Purple Wedding. 
Purple fingernails for the Purple Wedding.

After a boring journey by bus, air and train I arrived on a sunny Monday afternoon to the mediaeval University town where 2legs and Beauregard have their domicile. We met at the train station, and 2legs and I continued to a nearby countryside Spa Hotel, whereas Beauregard stayed behind to sort out the last wedding preparations.

Upon arrival we were shown to a room decorated in 19th century style including a four poster bed. The first day at the Spa hotel ended with a three course dinner, which turned into a five course one, and we were more than full when leaving the restaurant.

After a hearty breakfast in bed it was Spa Time. We started with sauna and jacuzzi, had lunch and were then pampered the rest of the day. We were wrapped in some cold goo and covered in a plastic wrap, had our faces done, had hot stone massage and then our hands and feet done. Both of us fell asleep at some point during the afternoon. Regardless of that a nap was required before the somewhat more frugal dinner we had that evening, both now sporting shiny purple nails.

Next morning another hearty breakfast was had, and after that it was time to go back and continue the wedding preparations. Turned out that Beauregard had already done most of them so apart from arranging flowers and setting tables little was left to be done. The evening was spent in the company of an old friend of Beauregard's and we went downstairs to the Chinese restaurant to have dinner.

Next day was The Day.

We all got up very early, had morning coffee and started the last minute changes of accessoires. Dressed in what we considered to be proper attire we headed to the Shire Hall for the ceremony. Upon arrival there we were met by friends and family, showed in to the Ceremony Room and it was finally time for the main event.

Dragonqueen at the Purple Wedding.

The husbands to be were placed on chairs in the center of the room, myself on one side and Beauregard's daughter on the other as we were the official witnesses. Vows were said and the Registrar pronounced 2legs and Beauregard as lawful wedded husbands.

After the conclusion of the ceremony the wedding party headed back to the home of 2legs and Beauregard for continued celebrations. Food was eaten, toasts held and when the local pub opened in the early afternoon the party was transferred there and delicious homemade pizzas were eaten.

Eventually I went back to 2legs and Beauregard's home to do dishes and clear up the place. Guess we were all pretty tired as I don't think any of the core celebrants were awake after midnight.

Even if I never get the hang of Thursdays, it was a good day for a Purple Wedding. No badgers were harmed.

Dragonqueen, Matron of Honour.

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30.05.16 Front Page

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