The Post Quiz: Famous Speeches - Answers
Created | Updated Feb 7, 2016
This month's Create Challenge is based on a famous speech. How many of these famous speeches did you know?
Famous Speeches: Answers
Are you stirred by these speeches? Or do you yawn? Here are the answers..
- I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King
- Tears in Rain: Rutger Hauer in Bladerunner
- Gettysburg Address: Abraham Lincoln
- Ask Not...: John F Kennedy
- You Talking to Me? Robert De Niro in Taxi Driver
- Apology of Socrates: Plato
- Sermon on the Mount: Jesus of Nazareth
- Here I Stand: Martin Luther
- We Few, We Happy Few: Henry V, Shakespeare, Kenneth Branagh
- Greed Is Good: Michael Douglas in Wall Street
Are any of these speeches words you live by? We hope you didn't answer, 'Yeah, greed is good.' Practice your public speaking in front of the mirror – who knows, you might have to impart words of wisdom someday.