Joy to the World Have you been out to see the lights? They certainly brighten up the winter nights, don't they? The ones in this editorial come courtesy of a drive-through display shown locally here in the US. The dancing lights keep time with the music, which fits right in with Create's all-month theme of seasonal music. You can see more of the lights with a guided tour in these pages. Have you sent in your Create contribution yet? Better get cracking, the year's almost over!
Willem's got spring rains, but he's still festive. He's sent us a Christmas present: a striped polecat. Now, settle down. It may not smell so alluring, but isn't that the cutest stinkbomb you've ever seen in your life? You can read all about its fascinating habits, and learn how to avoid it when you visit South Africa.
FWR checks in with a greeting to all and sundry in h2g2land. I think Christmas at his house must be fun. Wonder if this will be another year of the kids calling, 'Hey, Dad? Why are you crawling around with a camera and a cat toy?' That's dedication. (Says the Editor who rode through the light display saying, 'Stop the car a second, I want to get that shot!') What we do for h2g2...
Speaking of dedication above and beyond, Bluebottle took time out from wrapping gifts on the fabled Isle of Wight to bring us…the Christmas Crossword! Yes, fans, the always much-anticipated puzzle is here in its 2015 glory. And yes, as usual, the answers will be in next week's Post…get solving now!
We've got another strange picture for you. We're counting on you to help with the caption. That steadfast wooden soldier, I would like to point out, is at least as tall as I am. Not that he was any use at all last week when that herd of yearling deer came charging past and out onto Main Street…in broad daylight, the shameless things…really, we're going to have to issue those Nutcracker Cops some citation pads.
We've got humour. We've got a quiz. Mags has a gamer Christmas greeting. We've got a hilarious movie review. And've got some free time between opening gifts and pouring the eggnog. So read, enjoy, and leave a comment or two.
 Wherever on the planet you are, we hope your day is blessed, and that you know how much all of us at the h2g2 Post appreciate you. Have a glorious holiday, y'all, and keep on singing!
Dmitri Gheorgheni