A Conversation for The Post Quiz: Famous False Starts
Ok let's see...
KB Started conversation Jul 5, 2015
1. Patent clerk? It rings a bell...
2. Doctor? Naw, I'm thinking of Chekhov. I'll go for actor, because Stalin wasn't entirely 100% enamoured with doctors...
3. I'll go with sailor. He's got a bit of a sailor's gait.
4. Piano? Haven't a clue.
5. Peanut farmer! First one I am sure of!
6. Astronaut...
7. Absurdist playwright
8. A bouncer (seriously, never with a Jesuit, it gets ugly...)
9. Draw maps?
10. Ploughing (he was a terrible man for overturning daisies and putting panics into wee cowerin breasties).
Hmm, mostly guesses, I'm afraid - off to check my score...
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