New Ripley Features

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To be honest I do not exactly remember these features as som may already have been present at the Beep. The features are by definition not concidered bugs, deal with it, they are side effects of other features.

Each Brunel full page is sending a rivet request to the Beep. That is one graphical element in the page (not the popups) is still used from the Beep.

A conversation thread title should not contain < or >, hooks and enclosed text is only visible in the forum listing and on the conversation.
Not visible in conversation listing by user.
Similar for an entry title.

Plain does not support the 'more conversations' Forum listing, there are no threads only pages. The Forum on an Entry does show threads.

An Entry Deleted in Ripley is removed from the Pliny info list but still completely visible in Pliny. The Entry in Ripley has no Forum or number.

An Entry hidden in Pliny is GuideML gibbered and shows as if it is hidden by moderation in all skins.

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