A Conversation for Writing Right with Dmitri: Digging Up the Obscure, and Making It Interesting
The Happiest Place on Earth - unless you're a mouse!
FWR Started conversation Apr 12, 2015
Every evening Disneyland lets loose its secret army of death to roam the park in search of prey. A close kept secret, a dark company affair? Mickey and Minnie forced into some kind of perverse Hunger Games scenario?
Five carefully hidden 'stations' mark the theme parks investment in covert extermination. The predators sleeping away the daytime until the park empties and the hordes are unleashed.
Few see these minions of death, not the kind of attraction Walt would wish to promote. You may get the faintest glimpse of something lurking in the bushes, a flash of tooth or the eerie glow of an eye peering out at you from beneath the rides. No brightly coloured signs advertise their presence, these creatures are certainly not characters you want your kids photos taken with!
And yet these killers have been nurtured ,not outcast , by the Disney empire. medical care, housing and food allowances carefully factored in to the budget, payment for a dirty job few others would relish.
It is thought that this has been going on since as early as 1955, some say only in the last quarter of a century. Either way Disney has once again showed a creative approach , this time to the problem of rodents being attracted to the parks abundant food supplies.
The 200 or so feral cats , migrants from the streets of Anaheim , now happily live amongst the rides and attractions and help keep the rodent population under control, naturally fearful of humans the cats are seldom seen during opening hours, but after dark they all have dinner reservations at The House of Mouse!
The Happiest Place on Earth - unless you're a mouse!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 12, 2015
The Happiest Place on Earth - unless you're a mouse!
Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor Posted Apr 12, 2015
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The Happiest Place on Earth - unless you're a mouse!
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