A Conversation for GG: Goldfinches
Goldfinch feather
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Started conversation Feb 16, 2015
There are lots of goldfinches around where I live and also where my mother lives (same town, about half an hour's walk from mine). I can identify their sound and love the way they flit about. They always seem to look cross when they are photographed (I've never been able to catch them on film as I don't have a zoom lens). My brother got a lovely shot of a goldfinch "telling off" other birds who dared to land on the same birdtable wanting some seed at the same time!
I didn't know that about St Valentine, so thanks and I'll keep my eyes better peeled next year
Goldfinch feather
Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor Posted Feb 16, 2015
I forgot to tell you about the goldfinch feather I found, when feeding my own birds some weeks ago, around new year. I was lost in thought and really not looking forward to the coming year due to all the commitments and lack of me-time, when I noticed a small, pretty feather at my feet. I examined it and it's from the wing of a goldfinch, the flash of gold is quite pronounced and I saved it in my special bowl on my kitchen windowsill. I just checked it and either the sun has bleached it or the colour's faded naturally, it's quite dull now and more brown than gold.
Goldfinch feather
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Feb 16, 2015
Unfortunately I've found rather a lot of these feathers under my feeder and a contented cat slinking away.
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