Game of the Month: Telltale Games

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Telltale Games produce graphic episodic games that are basiclly interactive stories. Although they started in 2005 with Telltale Texas Hold'em and produced a few titles for the Xbox 360, I first came across them when by playing the first season of The Walking Dead in 2012. Each episode was released on a bi-monthly basis for a small charge there was also a Season Pass released which reduced the cost of buying the whole season overall. During the course of the game you make a variety of choices none of which are either right or wrong, just different and have bear no relation to the actual ending of the game itself. After you've completed each episode you can see how your choices compared with other gamers. There was an extra episode released in 2013 to tie-in with and connect with the release of Season Two later that year. The game was not based on the television series, but rather on the graphic novels

You play the game as Lee Everett working with a bunch of survivors of a zombie apocalpse. Lee finds another survivor, Clementine whose parents have disppeared and he eventually becomes her father figure. In the second season you play as Clementine. There is a season three in development, let's see who we are next

Along with Season Two of the Walking Dead, 2013 saw the release of The Wolf Among Us. Set in Fabletown, you play as Bigby Wolf, the local sheriff investigating the death of a Fable prostitute called Faith. Aided by Snow White and Icabod Crane, Bigby uncovers a plot by The Crooked Man to kill other Fables. The game play was more interactive than the Walking Dead, with quick time events otherwise known as button bashing, but as your character cannot die if you failed you would be returned to the last known good spot to try again. Another difference was the introduction of a Book of Fables. Although your choices did not affect the gameplay, some of them would give you an entry in the Book depending on that choice, so it was necessary to play through part of the episode again to make the other choice.

2014 saw the release of the first episodes of two new series, Tales from Borderlands and Game of Thrones As with the original Borderlands games, Tales takes place on Pandora where the two main characters, Rhys and Fiona, have been captured and are asked to recount their stories of how they got there. Episode two will be released sometime soon. Game of Thrones Episode One was released in December and runs alongside the television series starting at the end of season three and will continue up to season five. During the game you play as 5 members of the Forrester family, who are only briefly mentioned in the last GoT book A Dance with Dragons. In the first episode you were treated to scenes with Cersei and Tyrion Lannister, Margarey Tyrell and Ramsey Snow.

All of these games are very fun to play and the Achievements and Trophies are very easy to acquire and with talk of a Minecraft: Story Mode game currently in development makes for an exciting 2015 in the Magwitch household.

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