The Post Quiz - Boldly Going NASA - Answers

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Space, the final frontier. What are the voyages?

Boldly Going NASA: Answers

Image on a TV screen of the countdown to a Columbia Space Shuttle Launch.

We hope you found this quiz a piece of cake. Or at least as easy as standing on your head to an astronaut.

Multiple choice.

  1. What did the first X-Plane do in 1947?
    • Broke the sound barrier.
  2. Which of these programs came first?
    • Mercury
  3. What are Spirit and Opportunity?
    • Mars rovers
  4. Which of these individuals was first in space?
    • Ham the chimp
  5. What veggies have been grown in space?
    • All of the above
  6. On what instrument was the first song played in space?
    • Harmonica
  7. What is the connection between rapper's hit song 'Reach for the Stars' and NASA?
    • It was debuted on Mars.
  8. What was new about a Space Shuttle (STS)?
    • It was reusable.
  9. What is the average speed of the ISS?
    • 7660 meters per second.
  10. Who do NASA work with on the SOFIA project?
    • Germany

Amazing how much Earth has accomplished in the last, oh, 75 years..keep boldly going, NASA! And thanks for thinking of us with Expedition 42. May you never run out of tea.

A picture of 'Buzz' Aldrin walking on the surface of the Moon taken by Neil Armstrong in July 1969.
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Dmitri Gheorgheni

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